Dental Spa Laser Clinic

Call Us Now
Amsterdam: +31 - 20 - 610 78 77
DDS. Eric M.F. Muradin, M.Sc.
Dr. Eric M.F. Muradin, M.Sc.,
At our Dental Spa Laser Clinic, our compassionate team makes use of the most advanced and high-tech treatments to cater fully to your individual unique dental needs.
With more than 25 years of experience we would love to offer the benefits of all this knowledge and experience in laser, cosmetic, family and dental implant dentistry to your loved ones!
Everything under one roof.
As you may already know we have expanded our services due to continuing education and professionalization.
By concentrating a lot of specialties under one roof you benefit from this concentrated knowledge and experience to your convenience.
It is our utmost pleasure to welcome you and to make you part of this service.
Smile Gallery