Dental Spa Laser Clinic
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Amsterdam: +31 - 20 - 610 78 77
DDS. Eric M.F. Muradin, M.Sc.
Dr. Eric M.F. Muradin, M.Sc.,
All you need to know about our x-rays in more detail:
Problems with the teeth are not always only visible with the eyes. That is why we take x-rays once in a while. This way your dentist can see exactly if there are abnormalities, e.g. cavities between the teeth, condition of the jaw bone around the roots or implants and whether there are wisdom teeth in the jaw, for example.
X-rays also prevent (!) unnecessary costs.
It is sometimes argued that X-rays are redundant and only entail extra costs.
Nothing is less true. It is precisely through X-rays that we can detect problems in the mouth at an early stage, even if you are not yet experiencing any problems. This prevents relatively small unseen abnormalities from becoming worse and leading to much higher costs. The sooner we detect a problem, the faster it can be treated and the lower the final treatment costs. Just think of a cavity that is not found and eventually ends up in a root canal treatment.
Types of X-rays:
• Bite wings are small x-rays of your teeth. We usually make two: one on the left and one on the right side. These, also called 'checkup photos', are made to detect cavities between the molars.
Based on these bite-wings, the dentist estimates how great your risk of cavities and other problems is. Based on this, it is assessed how often you have to have a bite wing made. This ranges from every 6 months at high risk to every 24 months or longer at low risk patients.
• We make a solo x-ray if we want to examine a specific tooth more closely. This type of small x-ray shows the entire tooth, including the area around the root tip. For example, the dentist can see whether there are any abnormalities at the root tips.
• If we need a total picture of the teeth, we make an orthopantomogram (OPT). This overview x-ray gives us a view of all the teeth in the upper and lower jaw and also the surrounding structures.
• For orthodontics we also use a lateral cephalometric X-ray (RSP). That looks a bit like an OPT, but from the side. This is necessary when drawing up an orthodontic treatment plan, for example, or to monitor jaw growth.
Are there any risks with an X-ray?
All our staff who take X-rays on behalf of the dentist are trained and certified to do so. The so-called KEW-dossier guarantees this. The amount of radiation released when taking a picture is very small and has no adverse consequences for your health. Just for comparison: taking two x-rays exposes you to as much radiation as a weekend in the Ardennes. If you are going to sunbathe, then all the above photos are, as it were, 'covered' in terms of radiation. In addition, our practice uses digital X-ray equipment and processing that, in addition to being better for the environment, yields almost 90% radiation reduction compared to other techniques. Despite all precautions, we always use the ALARA protocol (As Low as Reasonably Acceptable) and ALADA protocol (As Low As Diagnostically Acceptable).
X-rays during pregnancy
Making an x-ray at the dentist during pregnancy is absolutely safe (all studies show this). The dentist only takes x-rays of the teeth or jaw. The radiation you receive is very low and does not come close to the fetus. Would you rather wait until after pregnancy? Then report this to your dentist. The treatment is then postponed. If it is absolutely necessary to have an X-ray taken, your dentist will discuss this with you. So always indicate if you are pregnant.
Special X-ray: CBCT 3D Scan or Conebeam scan
A huge advancement in dentistry is the availability of a CBCT 3D Scan. Due to the very high cost of applying this technology, it should not be taken lightly.
A CBCT 3D scan is a three-dimensional X-ray, a "3D X-ray". CBCT stands for "Cone Beam Computed Tomography". You may have heard of a medical "CT scan or a CAT scan"; this is a similar technology, but by using a cone beam we can get the information we need with significantly less radiation.
Why do I need a CBCT scan?
With this photo we want to see a 3D image before surgery or when placing an implant for your safety and accuracy. Other times we need to be able to see hidden teeth, jaw joints, sinuses, or unusual anatomy. Structures such as nerves, other soft tissues and jaw bone can be mapped in great detail and so making your treatment much more accurate.
The X-rays shown above are of a family member of doctor Muradin.