Dental Spa Laser Clinic

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Amsterdam: +31 - 20 - 610 78 77
DDS. Eric M.F. Muradin, M.Sc.
Dr. Eric M.F. Muradin, M.Sc.,
About us

DDS. Eric M.F. Muradin, M.Sc.
Dentistry is my passion. I treat you with full dedication as if you were a family member.
With us, therefore always you are taken care of and you will get dentistry of the highest order.
After completing his dental education at the university in Amsterdam, Dr. Muradin did a 2-year post-graduate training in orthodontics. Furthermore, post-graduate training in implantology (both surgical and prosthetic), periodontics, endodontics, LASER dentistry and numerous trainings in the field of cosmetic dentistry.
He is also a member of:
ANT: Associatie Nederlandse Tandartsen (Dutch Dental Society).
NVOI: Ned. Vereniging van Orale Implantologie (Dutch Society of Oral Implantology)
NVVP: Ned. Vereniging voor Parodontolgie (Dutch Periodontal Society)
VTVO: Vereniging Tandartsen voor Orthodontie (Dutch Society of dental orthodontists)
NVVE: Ned. Vereniging voor Endodontolgie (Dutch Society of Endodontology)
DAED: Dutch Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
ASLMS: American Society For Laser Medicine & Surgery
ISLD: International Society for Laser Dentistry
Along with 17 other colleagues from the Netherlands, Dr. Muradin belongs to the FIRST group of dentists who managed to achieve a certificate of NYU, "Current Concepts in American Dentistry".
This post-graduate training took a period of 2 years and was a partnership between NYU (New York University in the USA) and AMC-ACTA (Amsterdam University).
Dr. Muradin is the FIRST DUTCH DENTIST who is PIPS certified.
He is currently (2015) the only Dutch dentist who is certified for the Twin Light ™ Endodontic Treatment (TET) of which Photon Induced photoacoustic Streaming (PIPS®) is a component.
Dr. Muradin is the 2nd DUTCH DENTIST and the FIRST around Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Rotterdam with a university degree (MSc. Master of Science) in Lasers in Dentistry.
Officially, he is also the only dentist in the major cities who is lawfully qualified and allowed to perform dental laser treatments.
Dr. Muradin is registered in the Dental Quality Register (KRT)
and is registered in OK-Register (dentist for orthodontics)

Mrs. Shafida Muradin-Alladin
Being the wife of Dr. Muradin, mother, Aesthetician and practice manager. I make sure that we can continue to perform optimally all together.
Mrs. Muradin after her MEAO-BE / BA and MBA worked over 11 years for KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines). She furthermore attended registered practical and theoretical training as:
Practice manager, oral-hygienist, orthodontic-assistant, implantology-assistant and anaesthesia-assistant.
Then she completed her education as a beautician and together with Dr. Muradin has done the training in Botox and Fillers.
Mrs. Muradin continued and broadened her field of interest by following courses and training on the field of Lasers and is Laser certified. She has followed and completed her education in the Netherlands and Germany.
Member of Anbos: Dutch Society of registered Aestheticians

DDS. Faiza Muradin
Being the daughter of Dr. Muradin, I am in many ways a 'copy' of my parents. The 'dental virus' has also made me love dentistry. Together with my parents and our lovely team members we create beautiful smiles and faces.
Completed her dental education at the university in Amsterdam and working since 2014, she is participating in several post graduate trainings.

This is our team
With great passion for our profession we perform dentistry and assist Dr. Muradin with the scheduled treatments. By continuous education our level is higher than the average dental assistant. We are always ready to serve you the best way we can.
A Dutch saying and song: 'It's always spring in the eyes of the dental-assistant'
Indeed, In our eyes it's definitely always spring!